SLFS is a private limited company, incorporated in 2004, that provides financial and trading services for individuals and companies alike, with focus on the Mercosur region of South America.SLFS offers highly professional financial services. At SLFS we provide solutions that are tailored made to fit the needs of each of our clients.
SLFS is a group of outstanding professionals offering a wide range of financial services to clients from overseas. Acting as a small and very flexible company, as compared with other financial advisors, SLFS can provide customized solutions meeting each customers needs.
There are many opportunities and advantages to be obtained from operating with UK companies. Thanks to UKs extensive network of double taxation treaties UK companies can be advantageous for financing and investment activities as well as cross border trading vehicles. Registered in the UK at Companies House.
(www.companies-house.gov.uk) an Executive Agency of the Department of Trade and Industry, UK limited companies are regulated by the Companies Act of 1985 and the updating legislation contained in the Companies Act of 1989.
CONSULTANCY AND FIDUCIARY SERVICES: at SLFS you may find that the most appropriate solution for your financial needs.
As an alternative you can take advantage of our securities-backed financing solutions, you may find that they are flexible and accessible when compared to most standard loans available elsewhere. Best of all, we can help you pursue your borrowing needs while you maintain your portfolio's current exposure to the market.
INVESTMENT ADVISING SERVICES: SLFS offers a wide range of highly efficient products and services including custody and trading of stocks and bonds, mutual funds, high yield funds and managed investment portfolios as well as fixed income products.
Our clients have access to equity and fixed income international markets through our online banking services network.
FINANCE STRUCTURES: SLFS may render different services against payment of fees such us debt restructuring, mergers and acquisitions, market analysis, finding of foreign investors as well as perform certain financial activities as a fiduciary agent for risk and account of our customers.
TRADING STRUCTURES: at SLFS we have a Foreign trade Department specialized in this área of business and thus having ample knowledge of the importance of expeditiousness and security, which are required in the handling of foreign trade transactions. Each client is assigned a counterpart and corresponding back-up, which results in a personalized service that is able to handle consultations efficiently as well as advise clients in whatever they may require.
FEASIBILITY STUDIES: determination of a proposed product or development will fulfill the objectives of a particular investor including demand estimates, discuss legal and tax considerations, forecast cash flows, project investment returns that could be produced, and assessment in the business plan preparations.
NOTE: SLFS does not provide tax consulting services. Each potential customer must obtain their own tax and legal advice from specialists in eachjurisdiction. SLFS accepts only clients who have submitted information on their backgrounds and on the nature of their business and comply with "know your customer" information requests.